wordpress使用站点地图插件,报错:XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document

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wordpress使用站点地图插件,报错:XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document


wordpress使用站点地图插件,报错:XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document


wordpress使用站点地图插件,报错:XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document


为自己的网站生成站点地图,推荐使用插件:Google XML Sitemaps。但是我在使用Google XML Sitemaps生成站点地图xml的时候,遇到了问题

wordpress使用站点地图插件,报错:XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document


  1. 修改网站根目录下wp-blog-header.php文件
  2. 在$wp_did_header = true;下方添加:ob_start(); ,
  3. 在wp();前面添加:ob_end_clean();
  4. ok,刷新站点地图网址,大功告成



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